
Snowboard reviews aggregator

Next.js React

Filterable list of snowboard with links to relevant reviews. Mainly a place to put all the reviews I looked at, while figuring out what board to buy next. Very simple static content page, server rendered, no database.


CrossFit workouts database

Node.js Express Postgres React Redux Redial Flow

Simple database of CrossFit workouts (or WODs) which can be filtered by tags and attributes. App is fully responsive and uses server side rendering for SEO optimization and faster loading times. Data is structured as jsonb and is filtered in postgres.

WhatLib (defunct)

Tool for searching and comparing NPM packages

Node.js Express Postgres Elasticsearch React Redux Redial Flow

Database of NPM packages, that can be searched and where you can compare multiple packages in easy to use interface. You can compare packages across NPM downloads, package info or GitHub stats like stars and issues. Search is relatively fuzzy and weighted by NPM downloads to provide better results and user can also search by tags.

OneMoreRep (defunct)

Timer for crossfit workouts

Swift RxSwift iOS

Simple timer that can nevertheless track very complex workouts. Workout is created by blocks, which can be stopwatch block, timer block or repeat block. Created with Swift language and RxSwift for reactive programing model.